Tag: highlight

Breastfeeding, Baby and Me Support Group (Virtual)

New Mom?   Seasoned mom?   Parent of a breastfed baby?   Please join us for peer to peer breastfeeding support.   Meeting once a month via Zoom this group offers tips, advice, and support for parents.  This class is led by a Lactation Consultant.   Please register and join us as we navigate the ups and downs of nursing a baby.

Breastfeeding, Baby and Me Support Group (Virtual)

New Mom?   Seasoned mom?   Parent of a breastfed baby?   Please join us for peer to peer breastfeeding support.   Meeting once a month via Zoom this group offers tips, advice, and support for parents.  This class is led by a Lactation Consultant.   Please register and join us as we navigate the ups and downs of nursing a baby.

Breastfeeding, Baby and Me Support Group (Virtual)

New Mom?   Seasoned mom?   Parent of a breastfed baby?   Please join us for peer to peer breastfeeding support.   Meeting once a month via Zoom this group offers tips, advice, and support for parents.  This class is led by a Lactation Consultant.   Please register and join us as we navigate the ups and downs of nursing a baby.

Breastfeeding, Baby and Me

Meeting via Zoom the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Please register for the link! Patty and Grace will be happy to help you on your breastfeeding journey!

Breastfeeding, Baby and Me

Currently meeting via Zoom. Link will be sent upon registration or upon contact with community education or the Family Birth Center.