About the Foundation

St. Clair Health has from its very beginnings counted on the support of the people, organizations and businesses of this community. Seven decades ago, area residents saw a critical need for local, quality health care and their grassroots fundraising campaigns resulted in the opening of St. Clair Hospital in 1954.

And now, 70 years later, this legacy of giving continues. And, through building and strengthening these ties, we are able to continually identify and meet regional health care needs.

There are many ways to give and personalize a gift to St. Clair. The money that is donated to the Foundation is used to support various needs of the health system. Gifts may be designated to support a specific area of need or left as unrestricted (hospital’s greatest need).

As a regional healthcare system, the money you donate is going directly toward helping your family, friends, and neighbors. You get the chance to contribute to the care that the members of your community are receiving. When our patients receive things like cancer care packages or patient assistance, it not only helps them but it also shows them that people care about them. That can be incredibly essential and impactful when you are going through treatment.

If a caregiver made a difference or went the extra mile for you or your loved one during your stay with us, please consider making a gift in their honor. You can also make a gift out in memory or in honor of a loved one.

If you are interested in making a donation or learning more about the St. Clair Health Foundation please click here. The foundation can also be contacted by calling 412.942.2465.

Mission Statement

As the fundraising and stewardship affiliate of St. Clair Health, St. Clair Memorial Hospital Foundation’s mission is to secure financial support from individuals, corporations, foundations, and organizations, thereby providing funds for equipment, facilities, enhanced services and patient and employee needs.

Make a Gift Online

Clicking below will take you to a secure site operated by PayPal.

The St. Clair Hospital Foundation Board of Directors

  • G. Alan Yeasted, M.D., Chair
  • Michael Blehar
  • Rachel Brecht
  • Norman Fornella
  • Ann “Prin” Garbin
  • Patricia A. Hammel
  • Dena Haritos Tsamitis, EdD
  • Scott D. Heeter
  • Amy Kuntz
  • Paul Lackner
  • Dan Long
  • Vicki McKenna
  • Thomas M. Medwig
  • Lucas B. Piatt
  • Louis Pietragallo, Jr.
  • Matthew Serakowski
  • Harry E. Serene, M.D.
  • Robert N. Shogry, M.D.
  • Katie Unger Chipps
  • Thomas D. Wright, Jr.
  • Susan Wyatt

*Denotes Honorary Member

Foundation Contacts

St. Clair Hospital Foundation
1000 Bower Hill Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
[email protected]

Lindsay Meucci
Vice President – Marketing, Communications and Advocacy

Melissa Marion, CFRE
Director of Development and Government Relations